Winchester Alumni Association, Inc.
Winchester Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment Fund, Inc.
Winchester, Indiana
Welcome to the Alumni Association!
Pat Knasinski with Dr. Daly Walker after presenting him with the award at the 2023 banquet.
The Anne Moorman Riddle
Award Information
Dr. Daly Walker
Honored with Distinguished Service Award
2023 Scholarship Winners
Taylor Campbell
Avery Clevenger
Amelia Donnelly
Braelyn Gastineau
Andrew Todd Loyd
Jocelyn Wolf
Reece Michael
Tara Norman
Tia-Ann Retz
Alexis Roth
Alijah Trausch
Each recipient received a $1000 scholarship. Congratulations!
At the 2023 annual Winchester Alumni Banquet, Dr. Daly Walker was named the second recipient of the newly established Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award. Walker was nominated for the award by class of 1961 graduate, Patricia Meek Knasinski.
The award, which will be presented annually by the alumni association, will recognize a graduate of the Winchester Schools who has provided outstanding service to the Winchester Alumni Association. The selected nominee will have achieved distinction in one or more of the following ways: (1) by contributing in an outstanding way to the work and promotion of the alumni association and its purposes, (2) by showing extraordinary ingenuity, resourcefulness, and support in improving outreach, fundraising, and/or technological operations, and (3) by far-exceeding alumni association membership expectations. In honor of Anne Riddle, this award will be known from this year forward as the Anne Moorman Riddle Distinguished Service Award.
Dr. Walker dedicated a year of his life to writing a number of the profiles and editing the entire manuscript for Book I of Golden Graduates of Winchester High School, A Small Indiana Town’s Remarkable Achievement. He also funded the book from a CFRC grant, established by his parents, and directed the publishing process by securing Hawthorn Publishers. Moreover, the suggestion to establish a Winchester Scholarship Endowment Fund from book proceeds and alumni donors came from Daly, The Winchester Alumni Association is grateful to Dr. Walker for his distinguished service.
An individual plaque, commemorating the award, was presented to Dr. Daly Walker by friend and former alumni board member, Pat Knasinski. Moreover, a perpetual plaque has been created by Webb Jewellers of Winchester, which has Anne Riddle, the first recipient, and Dr. Daly Walker, the second recipient. This plaque will be on display in the community at a public location.
The award plaque that will record the annual recipients.
The Anne Moorman Riddle
Award Nomination Form